Monday, February 20, 2012


It's so funny to see how people view marriage. They will make their wedding plans and the whole wedding day to be so stressful, but then they think that after that day everything will be great. What they don't know is all the adjustments that need to be made in the first little while of marriage.  The four R's of adjustments in the first month of marriage are:
We all need to be open to change and need to make sure that both you and your partner are happy with what has been decided.

Another big adjustment that needs to be made in marriage is when the first child comes along. Some stresses that come along with a child are such things as:
-feeling like they carry most of the load
-women think their husbands don't care about the baby
-the husband feels neglected or that there might be a loss of effection
I think a great way to avoid this is a good communication.  Communication is a great way to avoid many complications in a marriage. The wife should always express her love and affection to her husband. The husband should express his love and affection to both his wife and their new baby. The wife should let the husband know if she would like help with anything around the house, so then she wont feel like she's doing everything. Communication is key!

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